extends Node2D # call downward, signal upward @onready var block = $Node2D var boxInstance = preload("res://scenes/rigidbody.tscn") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): pass func _on_trigger_one_areatrigger(effect, body): match effect: "unlock": if !body.is_in_group("boxes"): if is_instance_valid(block): block.queue_free() "boxdrop": # make some boxes # ensure boxes do not trigger trap! if!body.is_in_group("boxes"): for n in 3: var mybox = boxInstance.instantiate() mybox.add_to_group("boxes") mybox.position = Vector2(465,23) add_child(mybox)