
52 lines
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extends Node
var crate = preload("res://scenes/crate.tscn")
var bullet = preload("res://scenes/bullets.tscn")
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
var bulletPool:Array = [] #start off with it empty; no bullets
#crate stuff
var cratePool:Array = []
@onready var box_trap_target: Node2D = $"../BoxTrapTarget"
#called when the node enters the scene tree fro the first time
func _ready() -> void: #function that runs exactly run time.. safe place to do any configurations there
#pool all the crates
for obj in owner.get_children():
if obj.is_in_group("pushables"):
print("Total crates on screen: "+str(cratePool.size()))
func boxTrap():
print("Trigger a box trap!")
var myCrate= crateFactory() #gonna ask factory for our crate
myCrate.transform = box_trap_target.transform
func bulletFactory():
#makes bullets!
var myBullet
print("total bullets in play "+str(bulletPool.size()))
if bulletPool.size() > 3:
myBullet = bulletPool.pop_front() #if you got 3 bullets in play already, gonna take oldest bullet in pool and give you that
myBullet = bullet.instantiate()
#or recycles bullets
return myBullet
func placeBullet(speed, markerpos):
print("SceneManager: make a bullet")
var myBullet = bulletFactory()
bulletPool.push_back(myBullet) #everytime we ask for bullet it gonna be added to the pool
print("Total bullets in play: "+str(bulletPool.size()))
#set the speed of the bullet
#set of position of the bullet
myBullet.transform = markerpos
#make the bullet visible by adding it
func crateFactory():
var myCrate = crate.instantiate()
return myCrate