multi levels, timer, health, coins, key
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 51 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
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"vram_texture": false
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[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."]
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texture = ExtResource("7_o78ee")
[connection signal="animation_finished" from="AnimatedSprite2D" to="." method="_on_animation_finished"]
[connection signal="animation_finished" from="AnimatedSprite2D" to="." method="_on_animation_finished"]
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[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://b0pun5awvst0k" path="res://scenes/badguy.tscn" id="12_18k5f"]
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[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_bdyqk"]
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script = ExtResource("1_tpgoh")
[node name="CharacterBody2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_4l1yw")]
[node name="CharacterBody2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_4l1yw")]
position = Vector2(305, -22)
position = Vector2(37, 132)
[node name="Box" parent="." groups=["shootable"] instance=ExtResource("1_mg5q5")]
[node name="Box" parent="." groups=["shootable"] instance=ExtResource("1_mg5q5")]
position = Vector2(137, 23)
position = Vector2(137, 23)
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[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="StaticBody2D"]
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="StaticBody2D"]
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shape = SubResource("WorldBoundaryShape2D_vdfbk")
[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."]
[node name="KeyTrigger" type="Area2D" parent="."]
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position = Vector2(487, 61)
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scale = Vector2(1.04, 4.16)
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script = ExtResource("10_h7rqj")
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[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"]
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shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_lbd3t")
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debug_color = Color(0.31865, 0.625237, 0, 0.42)
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position = Vector2(277, -8)
position = Vector2(277, -8)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin6" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_v5ca1")]
position = Vector2(385, 58)
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[node name="Coin5" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_v5ca1")]
[node name="Coin5" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_v5ca1")]
position = Vector2(246, -16)
position = Vector2(246, -16)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin2" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_v5ca1")]
position = Vector2(486, 25)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="BadGuys" type="Node" parent="."]
[node name="BadGuys" type="Node" parent="."]
[node name="BadGuy" parent="BadGuys" instance=ExtResource("12_18k5f")]
[node name="BadGuy" parent="BadGuys" instance=ExtResource("12_18k5f")]
position = Vector2(359, 60)
position = Vector2(359, 60)
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metadata/_edit_group_ = true
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Normal file
Normal file
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16:1/0 = 0
16:1/0/terrain_set = 0
16:1/0/terrain = 0
16:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
16:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0
16:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
16:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
16:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0
16:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
0:2/0 = 0
0:2/0/terrain_set = 0
0:2/0/terrain = 0
0:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
0:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
0:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
0:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0
1:2/0 = 0
1:2/0/terrain_set = 0
1:2/0/terrain = 0
1:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0
1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0
2:2/0 = 0
2:2/0/terrain_set = 0
2:2/0/terrain = 0
2:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0
2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
4:2/0 = 0
4:2/0/terrain_set = 0
4:2/0/terrain = 0
4:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
4:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
6:3/0 = 0
6:3/0/terrain_set = 0
6:3/0/terrain = 0
6:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16, 0, -16, 0, 0, 16, 0)
6:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
6:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
6:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
6:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0
7:3/0 = 0
7:3/0/terrain_set = 0
7:3/0/terrain = 0
7:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, 16, 16, 16, 16, -16, 0, -16, 0, 0, -16, 0)
7:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
7:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
7:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0
7:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
9:3/0 = 0
9:3/0/terrain_set = 0
9:3/0/terrain = 0
9:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, -16, 0)
9:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
9:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0
9:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
10:3/0 = 0
10:3/0/terrain_set = 0
10:3/0/terrain = 0
10:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, -16, -16, -16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0)
10:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
10:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0
10:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
12:3/0 = 0
12:3/0/terrain_set = 0
12:3/0/terrain = 0
12:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
12:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
12:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
12:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
13:3/0 = 0
13:3/0/terrain_set = 0
13:3/0/terrain = 0
13:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
13:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
13:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
13:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
15:3/0 = 0
15:3/0/terrain_set = 0
15:3/0/terrain = 0
15:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
15:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
15:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
16:3/0 = 0
16:3/0/terrain_set = 0
16:3/0/terrain = 0
16:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
16:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
16:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
0:4/0 = 0
0:4/0/terrain_set = 0
0:4/0/terrain = 0
0:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, -16, -16, -16, 16, 16, 16)
0:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
1:4/0 = 0
1:4/0/terrain_set = 0
1:4/0/terrain = 0
1:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
1:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
1:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
2:4/0 = 0
2:4/0/terrain_set = 0
2:4/0/terrain = 0
2:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
2:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
4:4/0 = 0
4:4/0/terrain_set = 0
4:4/0/terrain = 0
4:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16)
6:4/0 = 0
6:4/0/terrain_set = 0
6:4/0/terrain = 0
6:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, -16, -16, -16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0)
6:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
6:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0
6:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
6:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
7:4/0 = 0
7:4/0/terrain_set = 0
7:4/0/terrain = 0
7:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -16, 16, -16, 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, -16, 0)
7:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
7:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0
7:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
7:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
9:4/0 = 0
9:4/0/terrain_set = 0
9:4/0/terrain = 0
9:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, 16, 16, 16, 16, -16, 0, -16, 0, 0, -16, 0)
9:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
9:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0
9:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
10:4/0 = 0
10:4/0/terrain_set = 0
10:4/0/terrain = 0
10:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16, 0, -16, 0, 0, 16, 0)
10:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
10:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
10:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0
12:4/0 = 0
12:4/0/terrain_set = 0
12:4/0/terrain = 0
12:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
12:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
12:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
12:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
13:4/0 = 0
13:4/0/terrain_set = 0
13:4/0/terrain = 0
13:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
13:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_side = 0
13:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
13:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
15:4/0 = 0
15:4/0/terrain_set = 0
15:4/0/terrain = 0
15:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
15:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/right_side = 0
15:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
16:4/0 = 0
16:4/0/terrain_set = 0
16:4/0/terrain = 0
16:4/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -16, 16, 16, -16, 16, -16, -16)
16:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/left_side = 0
16:4/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_side = 0
[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_vbomn"]
tile_size = Vector2i(32, 32)
physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1
terrain_set_0/mode = 0
terrain_set_0/terrain_0/name = "Ground 0"
terrain_set_0/terrain_0/color = Color(0.5, 0.34375, 0.25, 1)
terrain_set_1/mode = 0
terrain_set_1/terrain_0/name = "Sky"
terrain_set_1/terrain_0/color = Color(0, 0.701961, 0.917647, 1)
sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_bdyqk")
[sub_resource type="WorldBoundaryShape2D" id="WorldBoundaryShape2D_vdfbk"]
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_lbd3t"]
size = Vector2(20, 4.47115)
[node name="Game" type="Node2D"]
[node name="Background" type="Parallax2D" parent="."]
texture_filter = 1
scroll_scale = Vector2(0.5, 1)
repeat_size = Vector2(320, 0)
repeat_times = 4
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Background"]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(160, 90)
texture = ExtResource("1_tnlsl")
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Background"]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(160, -128.25)
scale = Vector2(1, 51.5)
texture = ExtResource("2_6ci1w")
[node name="Clouds" type="Parallax2D" parent="."]
scroll_scale = Vector2(0.1, 0.1)
repeat_size = Vector2(320, 0)
repeat_times = 4
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Clouds"]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(160, 90)
texture = ExtResource("3_uqjdf")
[node name="Grass" type="Parallax2D" parent="."]
scroll_scale = Vector2(0.8, 0.8)
repeat_size = Vector2(320, 0)
repeat_times = 3
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Grass"]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(160, 90)
texture = ExtResource("4_71wd1")
[node name="Midground" type="Parallax2D" parent="."]
repeat_size = Vector2(320, 0)
repeat_times = 4
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Midground"]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(160, 90)
texture = ExtResource("5_b0wjm")
[node name="TileMapLayer" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
texture_filter = 1
position = Vector2(918, 72)
tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_vbomn")
[node name="SceneManager" type="Node" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
script = ExtResource("7_3s0ov")
[node name="CharacterBody2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource("8_ctqq8")]
position = Vector2(139, 80)
[node name="Box" parent="." groups=["shootable"] instance=ExtResource("9_b3256")]
position = Vector2(315, 140)
[node name="Box2" parent="." groups=["shootable"] instance=ExtResource("9_b3256")]
position = Vector2(60, -18)
[node name="Box3" parent="." groups=["shootable"] instance=ExtResource("9_b3256")]
position = Vector2(98, 142)
[node name="StaticBody2D" type="StaticBody2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2(142, 181)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="StaticBody2D"]
shape = SubResource("WorldBoundaryShape2D_vdfbk")
[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2(232, 291)
scale = Vector2(24.2, 4.16)
script = ExtResource("10_c8glf")
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Area2D"]
position = Vector2(0, -7.76443)
shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_lbd3t")
debug_color = Color(0.31865, 0.625237, 0, 0.42)
[node name="Coins" type="Node" parent="."]
[node name="Coin" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(54, 26)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin3" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(-29, -40)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin4" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(437, -7)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin7" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(377, -6)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin6" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(421, 93)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin5" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(212, 60)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="Coin2" parent="Coins" instance=ExtResource("11_0vqln")]
position = Vector2(517, 59)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="BadGuys" type="Node" parent="."]
[node name="BadGuy" parent="BadGuys" instance=ExtResource("12_hwoa7")]
position = Vector2(390, 91)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="BadGuy2" parent="BadGuys" instance=ExtResource("12_hwoa7")]
position = Vector2(40, 23)
metadata/_edit_group_ = true
[node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."]
[node name="Control" parent="CanvasLayer" instance=ExtResource("13_7qh3f")]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="Area2D" to="Area2D" method="_on_body_entered"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bj4sdxqrlfr02"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/" id="1_xocjg"]
[node name="Control" type="Control"]
layout_mode = 3
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
script = ExtResource("1_xocjg")
[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."]
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 10
anchor_right = 1.0
grow_horizontal = 2
[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
[node name="MarginContainer" type="MarginContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="Health" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer"]
texture_filter = 1
layout_mode = 2
text = "Health: 100"
[node name="MarginContainer3" type="MarginContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="Timer" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer3"]
texture_filter = 1
layout_mode = 2
text = "Timer: "
horizontal_alignment = 1
[node name="MarginContainer2" type="MarginContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
[node name="Coins" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer2"]
texture_filter = 1
layout_mode = 2
text = "Coins: 0"
horizontal_alignment = 2
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ const PUSHFORCE = 750
@onready var right_ray: RayCast2D = $RightRay
@onready var right_ray: RayCast2D = $RightRay
@onready var left_ray: RayCast2D = $LeftRay
@onready var left_ray: RayCast2D = $LeftRay
@onready var playerSprite: AnimatedSprite2D = $AnimatedSprite2D
@onready var playerSprite: AnimatedSprite2D = $AnimatedSprite2D
@onready var key: Sprite2D = $Key
var faceLeft = false
var faceLeft = false
@ -25,8 +27,10 @@ signal playerDead
@onready var right_target: Node2D = $RightTarget
@onready var right_target: Node2D = $RightTarget
@onready var left_target: Node2D = $LeftTarget
@onready var left_target: Node2D = $LeftTarget
func _ready() -> void:
func hurtPlayer(amt):
func hurtPlayer(amt):
print("Character knows it should be hurt")
animPlaying = "hurt"
animPlaying = "hurt"
@ -37,6 +41,10 @@ func killPlayer():
animPlaying = "dead"
animPlaying = "dead"
func keyCollected():
print("Player knows key")
key.visible = true
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if living and not animPlaying =="hurt":
if living and not animPlaying =="hurt":
# Add the gravity.
# Add the gravity.
@ -96,24 +104,20 @@ func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if right_ray.is_colliding():
if right_ray.is_colliding():
print("Something is on my right")
if not faceLeft:
if not faceLeft:
var collider = right_ray.get_collider()
var collider = right_ray.get_collider()
if collider is Node:
if collider is Node:
if collider.is_in_group("box"):
if collider.is_in_group("box"):
print("This is a pushable box")
pushTarget = collider
pushTarget = collider
pushRightEnabled = true
pushRightEnabled = true
pushRightEnabled = false
pushRightEnabled = false
if left_ray.is_colliding():
if left_ray.is_colliding():
print("Something is on my left")
if faceLeft:
if faceLeft:
var collider = left_ray.get_collider()
var collider = left_ray.get_collider()
if collider is Node:
if collider is Node:
if collider.is_in_group("box"):
if collider.is_in_group("box"):
print("I can shove this box")
pushTarget = collider
pushTarget = collider
pushLefEnabled = true
pushLefEnabled = true
@ -2,22 +2,50 @@ extends Node
var coinsCollected:int = 0
var coinsCollected:int = 0
var player:Resource
var player:Resource
var totalCoinsLevel: = 0
var levels = ["res://scenes/game.tscn","res://scenes/game_level2.tscn"]
var timers = [5, 10]
var currentLevel = 0
var gameSeconds = 0
var gotKey = false
signal playerHurt()
signal playerHurt()
signal playerDeath()
signal playerDeath()
signal coinsUpdate(amt, total)
signal levelComplete(level)
signal tick(seconds)
signal playerOptions(key)
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
func _ready() -> void:
player = load("res://scripts/res/dudestats.tres")
player = load("res://scripts/res/dudestats.tres")
func setTotalCoins(amt):
totalCoinsLevel = amt
coinsUpdate.emit(coinsCollected, totalCoinsLevel)
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func keyCollected():
print("GameController knows player has key")
func coinCollected():
func coinCollected():
coinsCollected +=1
coinsCollected +=1
print("Total coins collected "+str(coinsCollected) )
print("Total coins collected "+str(coinsCollected) )
coinsUpdate.emit(coinsCollected, totalCoinsLevel)
#did you complete the level?
if coinsCollected >= totalCoinsLevel:
#level complete
currentLevel +=1
if currentLevel < levels.size():
currentLevel = 0
func playerDamage():
func playerDamage():
if > 0:
if > 0:
@ -27,8 +55,18 @@ func playerDamage():
##damage him
##damage him
func reset():
func reset():
gameSeconds = 0
|||||| = player.max_health
| = player.max_health
coinsCollected = 0
coinsCollected = 0
func timeOut():
gameSeconds +=1
if gameSeconds >= timers[currentLevel]:
tick.emit(timers[currentLevel] - gameSeconds)
func sendOptions():
@ -3,31 +3,55 @@ extends Node
var bulletsFiredTotal := 0
var bulletsFiredTotal := 0
var bulletsMadeTotal := 0
var bulletsMadeTotal := 0
var bulletArray:Array = []
var bulletArray:Array = []
var timer:=
@onready var coins: Node = $"../Coins"
@onready var coins: Node = $"../Coins"
@onready var bad_guys: Node = $"../BadGuys"
@onready var bad_guys: Node = $"../BadGuys"
@onready var player: CharacterBody2D = $"../CharacterBody2D"
@onready var player: CharacterBody2D = $"../CharacterBody2D"
@onready var ui: Control = $"../CanvasLayer/Control"
@onready var key_trigger: Area2D = $"../KeyTrigger"
var bullet = preload("res://scenes/bullet.tscn")
var bullet = preload("res://scenes/bullet.tscn")
func _ready() -> void:
func _ready() -> void:
timer.wait_time = 1
timer.one_shot = false
timer.connect("timeout", GameController.timeOut)
var totalCoins = 0
var totalEnemies = 0
### coins loop
### coins loop
for n in coins.get_children():
for n in coins.get_children():
print("coin found")
totalCoins +=1
### enemies loop
### enemies loop
for n in bad_guys.get_children():
for n in bad_guys.get_children():
print("enemy found")
totalEnemies +=1
### wire up GameController signals to Player
### wire up GameController signals to Player
func bulletFactory():
func bulletFactory():
print("Make a bullet at the factory")
print("Make a bullet at the factory")
@ -62,3 +86,13 @@ func deadPlayer():
func showKey(key):
if key == true:
func changeLevel(level):
print("Scene manager should change level")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
extends Area2D
signal keyCollect
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void:
if body.is_in_group("player"):
print("player entered area")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
extends Control
@onready var health: Label = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/Health
@onready var coins: Label = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer2/Coins
@onready var timer: Label = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer3/Timer
var tempCoinCount
var tempCoinTotal
func timerUpdate(amt):
timer.text = str(timer) + " s"
func healthUpdate(amt):
health.text=("Health: "+str(amt) )
func coinsUpdate(amt, total):
tempCoinCount = amt
tempCoinTotal = total
if coins:
coins.text = ("Coins: "+str(amt)+" / "+str(total) )
func _ready() -> void:
coins.text="Coins: "+str(tempCoinCount)+" / "+str(tempCoinTotal)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user